Son and Star and Moon

Source Once upon a time there was a young woman who stood on the deck under the cold blue-white light of the full moon, shivering in the cold and shuddering with sobs in her quilt. There was no peace that night and for many nights, many moons after. Once upon a time there was a little boy. He was only three and his heart had been broken so many times in half of that year. His little mind could not cope with the loss, and his behaviors grew steadily worse over the years until he had to go far, far away. He traveled through great stone walls, over rivers, into a forest, and over mountains. He learned to become stronger than the monsters. Nine months later he traveled back over the mountains, out the forest, over rivers, and through the great stone walls, and into the arms of his family. He had left them as a feral beast. He had returned a young knight- ready but still learning his skills. Source Unknown Once upon a time there was woman, decades older, who stood barefo...